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Omslagafbeelding voor Nova Atlantis Foundation
Nova Atlantis Foundation

Nova Atlantis Foundation

Nova Atlantis Foundation ( is a research institute, based on Pico island, at the Azores. By conducting scientific research, the foundation aims to contribute to the conservation of the cetaceans of the Azores and their habitat.

The summer months are the calving season for several resident species in the Azores including Risso’s dolphins. Well, this has been a successful year since we encountered 11 single new-born babies.
But the condition of several neonates was abnormal.

For example, “Newborn nr 1” was super small and skinny. We only saw the mother-calf couple twice within the same week and have no current record on the status of the baby.

Newborn nr 2 was covered in some sort of strange grey film, which gradually faded but then the baby appeared with a damaged dorsal fin. Since this mother-calf pair was often found alone, we assume that the calf has been targeted by a predator, while the mother was foraging below, in the deep-sea. It is super strange that a female roams alone with her newborn; this a new pattern that we don’t understand. Normally mothers with calves’ swim in a nursery with other mothers and calves, and they take turns babysitting on each other’s offspring when the mother is foraging.

Newborn number 10 showed signs of mechanical scarring and had a bent and damaged dorsal fin.

We also saw “normal” looking calves like NB 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11. We can only hope that all calves will make it through the first crucial months and hope to see them back alive and kicking.

1-NB1, at 13/06
2-NB1 at 20/06
3-NB 2, at 24/06
4-NB 2, detail dorsal NB2 in August
5-NB 3 & 4, sighted at 11/07 and 14/07
6-NB 9, sighted at 20/08
7-NB 10, sighted at 24/08 and 27/08
8-NB 10, detail dorsal NB11
9-NB 11, sighted 24/08 and 27/08
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The summer months are the calving season for several resident species in the Azores including Risso’s dolphins. Well, this has been a successful year since we encountered 11 single new-born babies.
But the condition of several neonates was abnormal. 

For example, “Newborn nr 1” was super small and skinny. We only saw the mother-calf couple twice within the same week and have no current record on the status of the baby.

Newborn nr 2 was covered in some sort of strange grey film, which gradually faded but then the baby appeared with a damaged dorsal fin. Since this mother-calf pair was often found alone, we assume that the calf has been targeted by a predator, while the mother was foraging below, in the deep-sea.  It is super strange that a female roams alone with her newborn; this a new pattern that we don’t understand. Normally mothers with calves’ swim in a nursery with other mothers and calves, and they take turns babysitting on each other’s offspring when the mother is foraging. 

Newborn number 10 showed signs of mechanical scarring and had a bent and damaged dorsal fin.

We also saw “normal” looking calves like NB 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11. We can only hope that all calves will make it through the first crucial months and hope to see them back alive and kicking.
1-NB1, at 13/06
2-NB1 at 20/06
3-NB 2, at 24/06
4-NB 2, detail dorsal NB2 in August
5-NB 3 & 4, sighted at 11/07 and 14/07
6-NB 9, sighted at 20/08
7-NB 10, sighted at 24/08 and 27/08
8-NB 10, detail dorsal NB11
9-NB 11, sighted 24/08 and 27/08Image attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

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Wat heftig karin. Gaat niet goed met de natuur. Jij zit daar met je neus boven op. Sterkte daar.

Risso's female and her baby..😍 ... Bekijk meerZie minder

Rissos female and her baby..😍

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Social interactions between Rissos and bottlenose dolphins, last week when the sea was still super flat..
 #novaatlantisfoundationImage attachmentImage attachment

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Beyond the pilot whales, now they also have to deal with those “Flippers” ... dear Risso's, keep on gramping! 🙌 amazing images!

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